Kale and Asiago Chicken Sausage Rice Bowls
Introducing the Kale and Asiago Chicken Sausage Rice Bowl—a harmonious blend of flavors and healthfulness. Whether enjoyed as a main dish or side, this bowl combines succulent chicken sausage, rich Asiago cheese, and tender kale. It's a tasty choice that doesn't compromise on nutrition, offering a satisfying meal for everyone at home to relish guilt-free.
Prepare rice per instructions on the box.
Slice 6 links of the Greenridge Naturals Kale and Asiago Chicken Sausages into 1/2″ think pieces.
Warm 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil in skillet.
Sauté mushrooms and sausage, 10 min. over medium heat.
Add kale to skillet and sauté for an additional 2 min.
Remove from heat, combine with 3 cups of cooked rice.
Salt and Pepper to taste.
Hi Cathy: Thanks for your note. Since our product is free from preservatives, nitrates, and nitrites, the product is more natural and sometimes the natural fats can break down over time, appearing as a white liquid in the packaging or a slick feel on the product. So long as the product has remained refrigerated and the vacuum seal has not been breached, a simple wipe of the product with a paper towel will remove the natural fats and they are safe to eat. Feel free to email info@greenridgenaturals.com with any additional questions.
Is there supposed to be a sticky, milky substance when opening the package of Kale & Asiago Chicken Sausages? The use by date is 8/20/24. The package has been kept refrigerated, tightly vacuum sealed and has no odor except for the natural smoke. Just checking to make sure this is normal as the first time purchasing them.